Friday, December 10, 2010

It'll Rock Your Face Off
No. Literally. I really wish there was an achievement for flying over a helicopter, sideways and upside down over a train, then popping a wheelie off a cliff for a hundred feet only to rip your face off on a giant boulder. I would RULE.
Every racing game has it's crashes and learning curves while you memorize the tracks. The key to judging a good racing game vs. a WICKED AWESOME racing game is your reaction to such wipe-outs. (And trust me, you will have many to start with.) While playing Nail'd I found myself laughing and smiling when I turned my character into a pile of meat pudding again and again. If you die a horrible high-speed death in-game, your character respawns quickly, allowing you to get back into the action and recover your chances of winning. This fact, along with vivid, colorful courses that make roller coasters look like roller SKATES, you're gonna die â€" but you'll enjoy every moment of getting better.

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